Why Cook Wednesday – Chipotle

Chipotle 6864 Johnson Dr, Mission, KS, United States

Why Cook Wednesday at Chipotle at 6864 Johnson Dr. If ordering online use code EKB4DH4 or show this flyer when order in the restaurant.

Skating Party

Skate City 9800 W 62nd Terrace, Merriam, KS, United States

Don't miss the fist skating party of the year at Skate City at 9800 W 63rd Terr in Merriam. $6 admission and $2 skate rental. $2 from every admission got back to SFT!

Monster Mash Fall Bash

Santa Fe Trail Elementary 7100 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS, United States

The fan-favorite Monster Mash Fall Bash is baaaa-a-a-ck! Gather up your little ghouls and goblins and join your SFT pals for a frightfully fun night in the SFT gymnasium on October 27, 6-8 pm. There will be games, a photo booth, popcorn, sweet treats, and--back by popular demand--fortune telling! Costumes are encouraged but optional. Also, …

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Costume Parade and Fall Class Parties

Santa Fe Trail Elementary 7100 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS, United States

On October 31, the SFT costume parade will be at 1:45, followed by fall class parties at 2:00-2:45 pm. Parents and guardians are welcome! Costumes are optional. If your student is planning to wear a costume, here are the guidelines: Students should bring their costumes in a bag to change into before the parade. Students …

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November PTA Meeting

Santa Fe Trail Elementary 7100 Lamar Ave, Overland Park, KS, United States

There are four PTA general meetings per year open to all. They take place in the SFT Library, and a Webex link is also provided. Please mark your calendar, your attendance is appreciated and valued. We are all in this together for our teachers and students.

Skate Party

Skate City 9800 W 62nd Terrace, Merriam, KS, United States